How to Get Involved & Contact Info


Come along to A Rally

Anyone wishing to see what the club is like before committing is welcome to come along to a rally as a visitor. In fact we ask all prospective members to attend two rallies as visitors to see if it is right for you before submitting a membership application.

On your third rally you are welcome to submit a membership application to the committee along with the required joining fee and annual membership fee or a prorata membership fee if joining after the 30th of September annually.

Minimum Commitment

We ask that all members attend a minimum of two rallies throughout the year to retain club membership.

Member contact Information

A valid email address is required to be supplied to the Club in order to receive information from the club regarding events, rallies and other important notices. The Club does not post out information to members, guests or potential members as the electronic media is preferred.

What Next?

If you would like more information or are interested in joining us on a future rally please email the Club with your contact deatils at: or phone the numbers below.

Membership enquiries: Sandra Ph: 0414697245

Rally Coordinator: Mim Ph: 0437 151 317

Club Secretary: Rick Ph: 0498 678 236