What is a Rally?


So what is a Rally all about?

Our rallies are a fairly casual affairs and is more like having a weekend away with friends. Members travel independently to the rally location generally on the Thursday or Friday. Some lucky members who are not working arrive a day or two earlier and may stay on after the rally as well.

Rally bookings are made individually by members after being reserved by the rally co-ordinator. The rallies are from the Thursday to the Sunday for the alloted rally dates each month.

Thursday afternoon at happy hour the rally is opened and everyone catches up.

Saturday morning sees the formalities taken care of with a meeting kicking off around 9 am with any announcements, upcoming rally information, followed by morning tea.

The day is then generally yours to do what ever takes your fancy, everything from seeing the local sights, playing board games, fishing, participating in club games such as disc bowls or just relaxing and reading a book. Happy hour generally see’s everyone gather back together for a bit more of a chin wag. For dinner on Friday or Saturday night we try to do some sort of communal meal like a BBQ and shared salad or even dinner out at a local restaurant. After dinner there may be organised activities such as games, quiz nights dependent on the location, and a camp fire when permitted.

Sunday morning sees the rally come to a close. Members then independently make their way home ready for the start of another week or in some cases stay a little longer if they have the time.